Here's to you… SRQ

Memorial Day

I was a kid growing up in small town NY and Memorial Day marked not only the beginning of the long-awaited summer, it was also a tradition to take that first official dive into Keuka Lake.  As young and tough as I was… I wouldn’t actually categorize it as a swim.  I’d get a good head of steam going down the dock and then  sheer will would carry me off the end to take the plunge.  Lake Keuka is about 62 this time of year (the Gulf is already in the 80′s).

In my childhood, this was my idea of bravery.

So many years have passed and my idea of bravery has evolved.

As I write, I find myself thinking of my grandfather.  I wish I had taken the time to get to know you more when I was a kid.  I wish I had the wisdom back then to know you weren’t just an old poop that didn’t like Hawkeye.  You were there and you brought home some pretty heavy baggage.  I’m sorry.

So here’s to you Boompa and to all that have served and are serving now.  Thank you.

Rolling Thunder, Inc


One response

  1. Sandy Price

    I enjoy following your blogs! Keep them coming!

    May 30, 2012 at 6:20 pm

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