Here's to you… SRQ

Sarasota Chalk Festival


Excitement and inspiration mingled with the unexpected

A potent blend that fills the air around Burn’s Court each year during the Sarasota Chalk Festival.  If you get a real good dose while viewing the amazing art, you may end up volunteering (which is what happened to me).  At this point you have purchased a ticket on board the crazy train so be ready for anything.  As a volunteer be ready to…

Get your hands dirty

I was a bit apprehensive as I showed up on our first “Get your hands dirty” Sunday.  Yes, I want to help but I’m a photographer, not an artist.  As I watched Beverly wrapping packing tape around the willowy Emer, I waited for my assignment.  Visions of the Jet Puff marshmallow filled my mind as I thought of my over 50 body being wrapped in packing tape.  Oh PLEASE, don’t ask me to get wrapped!

Somewhat relieved, I found myself agreeing to do a circus poster.   As Denise showed me how to graph out the 6′ x 9′ canvas, I was secretly imagining how bad it was going to turn out.  Never painting anything on canvas I kept thinking about how these posters will be in full view at the festival.  I wasn’t sure my pride could handle seeing someone snicker as they viewed my amature art.  I fought the urge to run as I took a few laps around the canvas trying to decide just where to begin.  Five little words became my mantra… “you can’t mess it up”.  That’s what Denise told me as she walked away.  I believed her.


And so it is.  She just has a way about her. She smiles her smile and makes you believe that pulling the moon out of the sky is possible.  That’s what leaders do.

Get Involved

The festival is put together by an energetic group of volunteers and there is so much to do to bring the vision to life.  I guarantee there is a job for you to do and you will be made to feel welcome and appreciated.

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