Here's to you… SRQ

“Going Vertical”


It’s been around forever

but is it acceptable in Sarasota???

If Denise Kowal gets her way (some say, she ALWAYS does) she’ll have artists  climbing the walls around town and leaving behind… Art?

Last years festival gave us a taste of “Going Vertical”

Not that recording history or communicating by drawing on a wall is new… it’s just hasn’t been established as an artform in SRQ.

Controversy surrounded almost every aspect of going vertical which was introduced via the Sarasota Chalk Festival in 2011. From MTO’s Fast Life mural to the Palm Avenue (lipstick on a pig) parking garage.  Some were thrilled with the fare and some turned up their noses.

As this years festival is about to begin, did last years controversy scare Kowal into conforming to the way we do art here?  Or will she continue in her vision where art will be out there for everyone to see?  No entrance fees, no gallery.

“Round two” & going vertical

In a recent Ticket Sarasota article, Denise promotes this years “Going Vertical” launch party while giving her opinion on the Sarasota art scene…

“Sarasota is not used to being challenged much, and we’re a little white-bred when it comes to art,” Kowal says. “We’re never going to grow as a community if we don’t allow other processes to happen. That’s how children grow. They need to be challenged with things that make them think. Stereotypes brew when you’re not given the opportunity to look at different perspectives.”

I find her white-bred reference priceless (but I have thick skin) and it could be the final blow suffered by those who want to dictate what art is worthy of a place in our community.

From the clowns in 2005 up to present day “Surrender”, our history proves there are those who judge what is and isn’t art and would only allow art that is proper and safe.  No grey matter needed.  When John Henry curated this years Season of Sculpture he stated that fewer artists are making personal statements. “We’re seeing fewer pieces that make any statement — period”.  I agree.

The 2012 launch “party

This years festival, Circus City, USA (let the controversy begin) is about to get under way  and Sarasota Architectural Salvage was the perfect venue for the “Going Vertical” launch party.

The rain was no deterrent and Dr Robin was keeping watch outside as guests arrived.  Greeted by a human statue high atop a specially crafted pedestal.  Four statues (Denise Kowal, Jill Kelly, Elisa Graber, Alexis Clarke) in all, each one dressed in attire compliments of Cash Delight and Tortoise & Pearl.  A donation dropped into a pedestal was all it took to get any movement from the lovely ladies.

Chalk boards were set up and local artists Lori Loveberry George and Truman Adams were chalking away.  They weren’t the only ones allowed to play.  More boards were set for those in attendance who would wish to leave their mark during this festive evening.

Music and conversation filled the air as people nibbled their way through the rooms.  Support for the festival was clear by those in attendance as more walls were donated for murals and more artists  being sponsored.  A success!

Congratulation to the Sarasota Chalk Festival.  It appears Denise will continue to pave the way towards tolerance, acceptance and in her endeavor to make art available to all.

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