Here's to you… SRQ


Cemeterror 2012


Meet the Director and Creator of Cemeterror 2012

Donald Spera and his Mom, Carol


My Introduction to a yard-haunt…

I was recently introduced to Valerie via the Sarasota Chalk Festival and she asked if I would consider photographing an event.  She told me this particular attraction is set up and manned by a group of volunteers and some of the proceeds go to the JDRF.  It has been many years since I have participated in anything Halloween… other than remembering to turn off any lights that might welcome a stray trick-or-treater to my door, so I thought it might be something different and possibly fun.  My main reason for agreeing is I’m a push-over for a cause and it’s my small way of giving back to the community.

A few days before my appointment, armed with little information about Cemeterror (other than an address)  I Google mapped it.  A house popped up on the screen.  I did the 360 degree spin to see if there was more.  Nope.  A house.  No warehouse, no dark scary barn.  Visions of neighborhood kids draped in bed sheets who popped out from behind the bushes and trees yelling boo started to fill my mind.   

It was still daylight when I arrived and a handful of people were milling about.  I approached a man seated outside the front door.  He was quietly rocking back and forth, puffing on a cigarette.  I introduced myself to Donald Spera, homeowner and ringmaster of Cemeterror.  Donald impressed me as not one  for small talk so I decided to explore.


Inside the house, my eyes adjusted to find a room full of actors in various stages of make up and costuming.  The place was buzzing with activity.  I spotted Valerie at the make-up table where she and Priscilla were applying scabs, scars and any other sort of prosthesis to make one horrid.  The table they worked from held all kinds of goo, glue, paints, and brush imaginable.  The walls behind them were a patchwork of still images representing the completed characters.   As I watched Carla spray painting an actors face, my opinion of a neighborhood yard haunt started to change.  I’m in no way an expert on theatrical make-up but as I watched this capable crew dab and paste and as I scanned the actors who had already made their visit to the make up chair, I could have easily watched them work their magic all night. 

I pried myself away and entered a room with racks full of wonderful costumes.   I imagined being a kid again and what fun it would be to have access to such a room.  Who shall I be today?  The appeal of Halloween I had lost as an adult was beginning to return.   

I began my search for a willing subject to photograph.  I spotted “Sharon Needles” who was in full costume and asked if she would go with me for some pictures.  Sharon had a look that would make Nurse Ratched look like one of those sweet little volunteers running around in candy stripes .  We headed into the haunted pathways of Cemeterror with  all its props and special effects Ted and the team had set up.   It didn’t take long before many others from the cast joined in, ready to pose.     

After an all too short photo session I went outside to find the sun had retired, giving way to an oh so perfect evening for a yard haunt.  The night air was cool with a light breeze making the assorted stage lighting dance and twinkle.  The moon was just about as abundant as the excitement and anticipation on the faces of those that were starting to fill the yard.  I watched as more and more eerie silhouettes were making their way down the darkened street towards Cemeterror 2012 bringing with them a sense of community that seems to me, all too often forgotten.

Waiting for entry to the attraction was an experience in itself.  Madame Zelda’s sideshow included the troupe from the South Florida Belly dancers .  Bethsheba, Fina, Nizana and Karen were shimmying and shaking while Misha and Firefly (Spiral Enterprises) energized the crowd with their fire dance.  Dolly Dearest, Ghoul Ghoul Girl, Medusa, Demental , and  all rounded out the side-show. 


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Yes, my preconceived idea of this yard haunt was totally wrong.  As I was taking pictures, I heard squeals from those that were inside and I watched as the line at the entrance fill with people of every age and description, I was transported back to my childhood.  To the place that loves mystery and the unknown.  Wondering what is waiting around the next darkened corner ready to throw a playful scare into you.  

If you missed 2012, make a point to mark you calendar for 2013.  You wont be disappointed.  You may even decide to become a part of Cemeterror.   

Thank you Don and to the cast and crew of volunteers.  You were a pleasure to meet and a pleasure to photograph.

Your Guides…

  • Mort U Ary… Mark  
  • Morgue N… Toby
  • Wood E Coffin… Victor

The Cast:

  • Zelda… Dragonfly                                                                
  • Chucky… Devon                                                                    
  • M Balma… Richard
  • Sharon Needles… Mary                                                       
  • Nocturnibus… Terry                                                          
  • Rig a Mortis… Ralph
  • Jenna Side… Mya                                                                  
  • Bloodonna… Avril                                                                
  • Die Anne… Trista                                                                  
  • Hellda… Avery                                                                      
  • Gore Jess… Marc                                                                   
  • Seymore Dead Peoples… Steve
  • Killery… Carol                                                                       
  • Graven… Dom                                                                        
  • Scarecrow… Rob
  • Ima Dead One… Vanessa                                                    
  • Fool of Fortune… Gary                                                         
  • Dolly Dearest… Hillary
  • Elsa… Robin                                                                             
  • Sinister Sister… Susan                                                        
  • Bea Dead… Courtney
  • Morticia… Carolyn                                                               
  • Medusa… Amelia                                                                  
  • Demental… Olivia
  • Ghoul Ghoul Girl… Meaghan                                             
  • Lady Gruesome… Kayla

Read more on Cemeterror…

“Cemeterror mixes Halloween scares and community service”

To: 2012 Chalk Festival volunteers

As Circus City comes to an end

Monday night, November 5: I sit at my computer going through video clips and images from the last month, my mind is numb and one image looks like the next. I swallow and I feel a lump in the back of my throat… hinting at a cold sure to follow. I’m too tired to will it away or fight it.

Tuesday morning I wake up. As I take a swig from the Dayquil bottle, a SRV tune plays over and over in my mind. “The sky is crying”. The weather has been fair all week and the very last day… rain? I don the familiar OJ volunteer shirt one last time.

The un-sung heroes

This year was my first “behind the scenes” look at the Sarasota Chalk Festival. Sunday’s in October were reserved for those who would “get their hands dirty”. It was a prop day and we painted circus posters, wrapped people in packing tape and took on any other task that needed to be done.

Friday nights were were set aside for informal meet and greets where we would all cram into Denise’ home, chat, nibble and laugh.

None of this prepared me for the first day of the festival when I reported to volunteer HQ. The hub… the go to place for everything festival related.

I think back to a group of young wide-eyed volunteers reporting for duty. As they were waiting to get their official orange volunteer shirt, I saw it on their faces. Eager to please… but not quite sure of what to expect. These young people could be doing anything but they were here volunteering their time. Admirable.

That is the reason for this video. While I’m was working on it, I had one regret. I didn’t get every volunteer in the video. There will be a thousand photos of the festival, the art and the artists. But you guys are the un-sung heroes of the whole thing. I make a vow to do better next year.

I was part of the photography team headed by David Taylor. There wasn’t a lot of time to get to know each other but we got to meet. I’m sure we will run into each other out there shooting and our week at the festival has given us a common bond. Each one of you have your own style and it was a pleasure watching you all in action.

Thank you Cold Sun Productions:

I can’t say I was stalking you but I was watching how you work all week. This particular day you were on top of the scaffolding overlooking Kurt Wenner’s piece and that was where I wanted to be. As you grabbed my tri-pod and camera helping me over the top of the scaffolding, I jokingly mentioned that I could handle my little handy cam and wrapped it around my wrist. As we chatted all I wanted to do was get a hold of your video camera and see for myself the difference between shooting on my budget and yours. It was probably nothing to you but it was like a revelation to me when you said how you remembered shooting a whole video with a hanycam. That little statement gives me hope. Till then, I will happily plug along on what God has given me. By the way… YOUR WORK IS AWESOME!!!

From Cold Sun Productions…

The artwork on buildings will be in progress after the festival and the art on the street has been allowed to fade away over the next month. But until next year the crowds, the artists, and the festival atmosphere are all gone.

To be a part of the Chalk Festival experience go to the Sarasota Chalk Festival website and sign up.

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“Going Vertical”


It’s been around forever

but is it acceptable in Sarasota???

If Denise Kowal gets her way (some say, she ALWAYS does) she’ll have artists  climbing the walls around town and leaving behind… Art?

Last years festival gave us a taste of “Going Vertical”

Not that recording history or communicating by drawing on a wall is new… it’s just hasn’t been established as an artform in SRQ.

Controversy surrounded almost every aspect of going vertical which was introduced via the Sarasota Chalk Festival in 2011. From MTO’s Fast Life mural to the Palm Avenue (lipstick on a pig) parking garage.  Some were thrilled with the fare and some turned up their noses.

As this years festival is about to begin, did last years controversy scare Kowal into conforming to the way we do art here?  Or will she continue in her vision where art will be out there for everyone to see?  No entrance fees, no gallery.

“Round two” & going vertical

In a recent Ticket Sarasota article, Denise promotes this years “Going Vertical” launch party while giving her opinion on the Sarasota art scene…

“Sarasota is not used to being challenged much, and we’re a little white-bred when it comes to art,” Kowal says. “We’re never going to grow as a community if we don’t allow other processes to happen. That’s how children grow. They need to be challenged with things that make them think. Stereotypes brew when you’re not given the opportunity to look at different perspectives.”

I find her white-bred reference priceless (but I have thick skin) and it could be the final blow suffered by those who want to dictate what art is worthy of a place in our community.

From the clowns in 2005 up to present day “Surrender”, our history proves there are those who judge what is and isn’t art and would only allow art that is proper and safe.  No grey matter needed.  When John Henry curated this years Season of Sculpture he stated that fewer artists are making personal statements. “We’re seeing fewer pieces that make any statement — period”.  I agree.

The 2012 launch “party

This years festival, Circus City, USA (let the controversy begin) is about to get under way  and Sarasota Architectural Salvage was the perfect venue for the “Going Vertical” launch party.

The rain was no deterrent and Dr Robin was keeping watch outside as guests arrived.  Greeted by a human statue high atop a specially crafted pedestal.  Four statues (Denise Kowal, Jill Kelly, Elisa Graber, Alexis Clarke) in all, each one dressed in attire compliments of Cash Delight and Tortoise & Pearl.  A donation dropped into a pedestal was all it took to get any movement from the lovely ladies.

Chalk boards were set up and local artists Lori Loveberry George and Truman Adams were chalking away.  They weren’t the only ones allowed to play.  More boards were set for those in attendance who would wish to leave their mark during this festive evening.

Music and conversation filled the air as people nibbled their way through the rooms.  Support for the festival was clear by those in attendance as more walls were donated for murals and more artists  being sponsored.  A success!

Congratulation to the Sarasota Chalk Festival.  It appears Denise will continue to pave the way towards tolerance, acceptance and in her endeavor to make art available to all.

Sarasota Chalk Festival


Excitement and inspiration mingled with the unexpected

A potent blend that fills the air around Burn’s Court each year during the Sarasota Chalk Festival.  If you get a real good dose while viewing the amazing art, you may end up volunteering (which is what happened to me).  At this point you have purchased a ticket on board the crazy train so be ready for anything.  As a volunteer be ready to…

Get your hands dirty

I was a bit apprehensive as I showed up on our first “Get your hands dirty” Sunday.  Yes, I want to help but I’m a photographer, not an artist.  As I watched Beverly wrapping packing tape around the willowy Emer, I waited for my assignment.  Visions of the Jet Puff marshmallow filled my mind as I thought of my over 50 body being wrapped in packing tape.  Oh PLEASE, don’t ask me to get wrapped!

Somewhat relieved, I found myself agreeing to do a circus poster.   As Denise showed me how to graph out the 6′ x 9′ canvas, I was secretly imagining how bad it was going to turn out.  Never painting anything on canvas I kept thinking about how these posters will be in full view at the festival.  I wasn’t sure my pride could handle seeing someone snicker as they viewed my amature art.  I fought the urge to run as I took a few laps around the canvas trying to decide just where to begin.  Five little words became my mantra… “you can’t mess it up”.  That’s what Denise told me as she walked away.  I believed her.


And so it is.  She just has a way about her. She smiles her smile and makes you believe that pulling the moon out of the sky is possible.  That’s what leaders do.

Get Involved

The festival is put together by an energetic group of volunteers and there is so much to do to bring the vision to life.  I guarantee there is a job for you to do and you will be made to feel welcome and appreciated.

The Sarasota Chalk Festival



It will be here before you know it.

artwork used in the poster is from the 2011 festival by:  Eduardo Relero

Each Friday the volunteers get together to get to know each other and discuss whatever needs discussing.  This particular Friday I find myself with no desire to go out in traffic again.  So as 5:00 rolled around, I pushed myself away from the computer and walked to the kitchen.  No bolt of lightning, no get-up-and-go.  I got some coffee and sat back down to check my email.   After ignoring most of the messages and dumping my spam I was still wrestling with the commitment I have made to support the festival and my lack of motivation.  I finally pushed through the funk and headed to the gathering.

I think when you push through an obstacle (no matter how small) you just feel better about yourself, and I did.  I walked away feeling more excitement about the upcoming event (if that is possible)!  I also walked away feeling proud that I am able to play a small part in this thing.

What has me excited?  Except for those who suffer from Coulrophobia, who doesn’t get excited when the circus comes to  town? 

As this years festival (Circus City, USA)takes shape, life-size elephants are being sculpted and inspired by artist Mark Jenkins, we are getting together tomorrow to wrap ourselves in packing tape.  The best local and international artists will be here along with Kurt Wenner who will be working on a premier piece of artwork for this years festival. 

As  Denise explained her reason why she wants to keep the festival free, I am happy to be a part of the volunteer staff.   Knowing there are many people who may never be able to view artwork at this level if there were a fee attached, she doesn’t want to ask an entry fee.  This way the art is seen and appreciated by all.  It doesn’t matter if you have $100,000 in the bank or $1 in your wallet.  The festival is for the entire community.

Not only is it free to attend, it’s free to participate.   Travel, lodging, food, supplies.  It’s covered.

This is the Sarasota Chalk Festivals 5th year.  Still in its infancy really but the success of the earlier years speaks volumes.  The Sarasota Chalk Festival has become an international event.  But it wont happen without support.  The festival needs volunteers, sponsors and donations.

Yes, I walked out of last nights meeting feeling pretty good.  I even took some tickets for the fundraiser to sell and I am not a salesperson.

2012 Sarasota Chalk Festival

Kowal  and company are gearing up for the 5th annual Sarasota Chalk Festival and this year’s event will be true to form in keeping with the tradition of excellence we’ve come to expect.

“How can this be” you say?  My reply, “you must not know Denise”!  She sees it in her mind, then rallies her talented band of cohorts into making it happen.  Her unstoppable, can do attitude is contagious and inspiring.

Which bring’s me to my next point.

What’s your talent?

Visit the Sarasota Chalk Festival website and fill out an application to volunteer.

More on the Sarasota Chalk Festival:

“Looking ahead to the Sarasota Chalk Festival”

Memorial Day

I was a kid growing up in small town NY and Memorial Day marked not only the beginning of the long-awaited summer, it was also a tradition to take that first official dive into Keuka Lake.  As young and tough as I was… I wouldn’t actually categorize it as a swim.  I’d get a good head of steam going down the dock and then  sheer will would carry me off the end to take the plunge.  Lake Keuka is about 62 this time of year (the Gulf is already in the 80′s).

In my childhood, this was my idea of bravery.

So many years have passed and my idea of bravery has evolved.

As I write, I find myself thinking of my grandfather.  I wish I had taken the time to get to know you more when I was a kid.  I wish I had the wisdom back then to know you weren’t just an old poop that didn’t like Hawkeye.  You were there and you brought home some pretty heavy baggage.  I’m sorry.

So here’s to you Boompa and to all that have served and are serving now.  Thank you.

Rolling Thunder, Inc


Motorcycle Awareness Month

May is…

Motorcycle awareness month

Of course May is also Jewish American Heritage month, Asian Pacific Heritage month, Mental Health Awareness month, National Physical Fitness and Sports month, (deep breath) and National Foster Care Month. Mingled in the month of May are also Loyalty Day, Maritime Day, Day of Prayer, Law Day USA, blah, blah, blah.

My Point…

It’s a sad state of affairs when Americans need a reminder that motorcycles are vehicles and have the same rights on the road as a car? Instead of doing something that might change the way people drive on our roadways, governments across the country post a declaration on their respective websites, hand out a plaque and send us on our merry way. We have become a social “cause”.

There are bills in Committee to increase penalties for road rage, careless or aggressive driving.   ABATE has pushed for a stiffer penalties bill. This bill would give criminal penalties for a person who commits a moving violation that causes serious bodily injury to, or causes or contributes to the death of, a pedestrian or a person operating or riding in a motor vehicle or operating or riding on a motorcycle or bicycle; requiring that the person pay a specified fine, serve a minimum period of incarceration, and attend a driver improvement course; requiring that the court revoke the person’s driver license for a minimum specified period; providing that the act does not prohibit the person from being charged with, convicted of, or punished for any other violation of law, etc. In March, Senate Bill 1754 died in Criminal Justice. If you’re the curious sort, check out the analysis and read why it might have died. I wrestle with keeping my opinion out of it and let you decide.

In observance of Motorcycle Awareness month, The West Coast Chapter of ABATE held a run. This comes on the heals of a month or two of heavy motorcycle accidents in our area. Three news teams showed up and a bunch of bikes. All kinds of bikes. Eric Sollman of Bay News 9 showed up early, took a spin on the back of Jim Gladstone’s bike to get some footage and did a really nice spot on the event. Check out the video and write-up.

Here is another video of the run taken while sitting backwards on a trike (none too comfy for a 50-year-old woman!) but thank you Bobby for helping me get some video! In the beginning of the video you will see what we are trying to get across with the ”can you see me now” run and calling for stiffer penalties. A driver intent on getting where he wants to be, stuffs his cage in between the line of bikes. Did he not see us? Was he un-aware we were there? Was it his turn to go? Was he even in the proper lane to make a left turn? No, no and no! He just cared more about his agenda and was going to carry it out at any cost.

If you ride, please ride responsibly. Let’s do our part in keeping the roads safe and help change the way people view us. Find out who your representative is in Tallahassee. Take a minute and e-mail them. Let your voice be heard.

Florida Aggressive Driving Laws

Section 316.1923, F.S., describes, “aggressive careless driving” as committing two or more of the following acts simultaneously or in succession:

 Exceeding the posted speed as defined in s. 322.27(3)(d)5.b., F.S;

 Unsafely or improperly changing lanes as defined in s. 316.085, F.S.;

 Following another vehicle too closely as defined in s. 316.0895(1), F.S.;

 Failing to yield the right-of-way as defined in ss. 316.079, 316.0815, or 316.123, F.S.;

 Improperly passing as defined in ss. 316.083, 316.084, or 316.085, F.S.; or

 Violating traffic control and signal devices as defined in ss. 316.074 and 316.075, F.S.

These violations carry separate penalties for each offense. Section 316.1923, F.S., does not, however, provide for any penalties to be administered for the act of aggressive driving itself. Law enforcement officers, by law are to check off a box, which is included on a ticket or an accident report form, when the officer believes the traffic violation or crash was due to aggressive careless driving. This information is then recorded and used by DHSMV.

My question… how many boxes need to be checked off and how many people need to die before government does something to protect its citizens?

Thunder by the Bay

January in Sarasota. That time of year when a ton of motorcycles converge on our little city for Thunder by the Bay.

It’s all for the kids…

If it wasn’t for raising money for Suncoast Charities and for the local economic impact, this annual get together would probably be on a relocation program!!!  362 days a year, downtown caters to the condo dwellers and those with the bucks to shop at Whole foods and the various specialty shops.   To get a sense of Sarasota, I was chatting with a friend who attended the pre festival meetings with the commission and shop owners.  She told me about a retailer whose main complaint was the smell of onions from food vendors drifting in her shop (oh my).  The downtown shop owners along with the condo dwellers hold a lot of power but not enough to squelch this party.  I myself love the smell of sautéed onions… mingle that with stale beer … Mmmm.  Almost heaven!

Come to think of it… we were re-located this year (was it the onions?) !  Previous years had the vendors and bands set up closer to the middle of town, except for the year they crammed us all into Payne Park.  Not being one who likes crowds or change, found this years set up pleasing.  The bike show was moved  from 5 points park and set up along Palm Avenue.   Palm Ave has some benches and you get a nice view of the parking garage.  The shot above was taken Sunday morning.  That is the Jagermeister stage down the way.  It promised to be a beautiful day and barely anyone was stirring as I made my way around town…

except this guy.  Bob Poneleit of  Hap’s Cycle Sales.    Like I said, Palm Ave still has some benches and Big Al (Bob) was taking advantage of one, sucking down some coffee before the bikes started rolling in for the show.  Hap’s is a Sarasota tradition.  A  family owned and operated business full of true motorcycle enthusiasts.   They are extremely active in the community raising funds and awareness for a bunch of different charities.  They were voted “best place to buy a motorcycle in 2011 and if I didn’t ride a Harley and have a fix it guy all my own, I would give Hap’s my business.

Later on Sunday afternoon,  Come Back Alice took the Jagermeister stage and rocked the house.  This is the beautiful and talented Dani Jaye.

On to the bike show.  Thanks to Manatee River Harley Davidson who did the work and alot of elbow grease, Bob took first place in the sport custom cruiser class.

Before closing I want to call attention to the little red and black bobber in the slideshow.  Earlier I said I had a fix-it guy all my own, he’s also one hell of a bike builder.  Congratulations to Tim and all the others who put their time and talent into building some pretty machines.

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Check out some of the pics. If ya happen to know the names of any of the people, take a sec and contact me. I like to add names to faces. Prints are also available.

Tampa Bay Rays vs Baltimore

Sarasota’s Ed Smith Stadium

Spring training home of the Baltimore Orioles

The last game of the 2012 Grapefruit League season and thanks to a kind and generous friend giving me tickets, I will take it all in from the front row.  I  find myself having a hard time deciding which is more enjoyable…  watching the game or watching the people.  So I multi-task and get a shot of this young man munching on some Cracker Jacks.  I don’t know if they are really Cracker Jacks but this is my story and that is what goes with baseball and kids.

I find myself  close enough to my favorite team players that I could  poke’em through the fence as they warm up but I tell myself that self-control is necessary.  It’s hot and I am almost overwhelmed.

Evan would be one of my favorites.  Yeah, he’s a good ball player but I just like his style.  He calmly approaches the plate and waits for his pitch without all the usual rituals.  No tugging, spitting or adjusting… very cool.

As I snapped my one thousandth picture of my guy’s (the Rays) my friend reminded me that since I live in SRQ, I should maybe take a few pictures of Baltimore.  Plus my friend that gave me the tickets is a Baltimore guy and it might seem ungrateful of me not to.

Above is pitcher Zach Phillips who was traded to Baltimore in 2011.  He appeared in 10 games in 2011, with a 1.13 ERA in 8 innings pitched.  I couldn’t begin to tell you if this is good or not but thought I should say something.

Catcher Matt Wieters was drafted by the Baltimore with the 5th overall pick of the 2007 amateur draft and signed a contract with a $6 million signing bonus on August 15, 2007.  $6 million dollars.  What would you do with that much money???

Nick Markakis began his first spring training with the Orioles in 2006 and was presented the Roberto Clemente Award on September 2, 2009.

I believe you should treat yourself to at least one MLB game before you exit God’s green earth.   When you’re in the stands and  hear the sound of the ball as it connects with the bat… there’s nothing quite like it.  Watching on TV just can’t compare.

This was the perfect ending to a great day at the park …

Thank you Mr. B

A Sarasota New Year

Little did we know…

 2010 would be Pineapples last hurrah.

2012 will arrive, even without Pineapple.

 But isn’t it a little like setting cookies out for Santa but leaving him with no milk?

The reason behind canceling the street party?  Business owners, downtown associations, and the city all have an agenda.  Always confusing and never really clear on what the agenda of the moment may be, but this year it doesn’t include closing down streets or dropping a pineapple.  

Mayor Atwells comment about the event being so crowded last year makes me wonder if “THEY” really want to draw people downtown!  “It was impossible”  Atwell said.  It was SO CRAZY!   Sarasota Jacks is taking up all the law enforcement anyway.  

The pineapple drop is a tradition.  I find it sad that some traditions are worth fighting for (baseball) and some are easily put aside.     

So, “Pineapple” is left out of this years celebration. 



Not one to be shunned and replaced with a few measly fireworks, “Pineapple” has Occupied a spot on our Bayfront.  It would seem the sculpture formerly known as “Mercury, Mars, Venue”  is now “Mercury, Mars, Pineapple”.   

There have been other theory’s concerning Pineapples whereabouts but it all comes down to this.  Don’t mess with “Pineapple”.



Sarasota Chalk Festival ~2011~

This is the fourth year Burn’s Square has been transformed

from a quaint local neighborhood

into an international, open air, art gallery.

Thanks to Denise Kowal’s vision, the Sarasota Chalk Festival has grown from a handful of artists into an international event.

“Pavement Art Through the Ages” honors the Grazie di Curtatone and highlights street paintings roots from the 16th century up to todays contemporary movements.

Street painting may be new to Sarasota but it has a rich history in Europe.  The Italian Madonnari were traveling artists who made a living by reproducing religious images on the streets. After WW II the artists and the art had all but disappeared. In an effort to keep the tradition alive, the last known artists (the oldest being in his 90′s) were invited to take part in The Grazie di Curtatone, in Mantua, Italy in 1973.

Back here in Sarasota, after blessing the chalk, the Italian Madonnari Competition will start on Friday at 6PM.  Artists will paint for 24 hours and complete their work by Saturday 6PM.  Along with the Italian Madonnari competition, there will be artists paining the walls of local businesses.  Will “going vertical” be a new trend in SRQ?  Opera. cellograff, 3-D, little chalkers, students, streets full of local and international artists performing their craft for you.

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The Sarasota Chalk Festival is organized by Avenuda de Colores.  A 501C3 organization.  The event is free to participate, free to attend.  The festival is an effort by dedicated volunteers and generous sponsors.  It is an event that will leave you wanting more.