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Cemeterror 2012


Meet the Director and Creator of Cemeterror 2012

Donald Spera and his Mom, Carol


My Introduction to a yard-haunt…

I was recently introduced to Valerie via the Sarasota Chalk Festival and she asked if I would consider photographing an event.  She told me this particular attraction is set up and manned by a group of volunteers and some of the proceeds go to the JDRF.  It has been many years since I have participated in anything Halloween… other than remembering to turn off any lights that might welcome a stray trick-or-treater to my door, so I thought it might be something different and possibly fun.  My main reason for agreeing is I’m a push-over for a cause and it’s my small way of giving back to the community.

A few days before my appointment, armed with little information about Cemeterror (other than an address)  I Google mapped it.  A house popped up on the screen.  I did the 360 degree spin to see if there was more.  Nope.  A house.  No warehouse, no dark scary barn.  Visions of neighborhood kids draped in bed sheets who popped out from behind the bushes and trees yelling boo started to fill my mind.   

It was still daylight when I arrived and a handful of people were milling about.  I approached a man seated outside the front door.  He was quietly rocking back and forth, puffing on a cigarette.  I introduced myself to Donald Spera, homeowner and ringmaster of Cemeterror.  Donald impressed me as not one  for small talk so I decided to explore.


Inside the house, my eyes adjusted to find a room full of actors in various stages of make up and costuming.  The place was buzzing with activity.  I spotted Valerie at the make-up table where she and Priscilla were applying scabs, scars and any other sort of prosthesis to make one horrid.  The table they worked from held all kinds of goo, glue, paints, and brush imaginable.  The walls behind them were a patchwork of still images representing the completed characters.   As I watched Carla spray painting an actors face, my opinion of a neighborhood yard haunt started to change.  I’m in no way an expert on theatrical make-up but as I watched this capable crew dab and paste and as I scanned the actors who had already made their visit to the make up chair, I could have easily watched them work their magic all night. 

I pried myself away and entered a room with racks full of wonderful costumes.   I imagined being a kid again and what fun it would be to have access to such a room.  Who shall I be today?  The appeal of Halloween I had lost as an adult was beginning to return.   

I began my search for a willing subject to photograph.  I spotted “Sharon Needles” who was in full costume and asked if she would go with me for some pictures.  Sharon had a look that would make Nurse Ratched look like one of those sweet little volunteers running around in candy stripes .  We headed into the haunted pathways of Cemeterror with  all its props and special effects Ted and the team had set up.   It didn’t take long before many others from the cast joined in, ready to pose.     

After an all too short photo session I went outside to find the sun had retired, giving way to an oh so perfect evening for a yard haunt.  The night air was cool with a light breeze making the assorted stage lighting dance and twinkle.  The moon was just about as abundant as the excitement and anticipation on the faces of those that were starting to fill the yard.  I watched as more and more eerie silhouettes were making their way down the darkened street towards Cemeterror 2012 bringing with them a sense of community that seems to me, all too often forgotten.

Waiting for entry to the attraction was an experience in itself.  Madame Zelda’s sideshow included the troupe from the South Florida Belly dancers .  Bethsheba, Fina, Nizana and Karen were shimmying and shaking while Misha and Firefly (Spiral Enterprises) energized the crowd with their fire dance.  Dolly Dearest, Ghoul Ghoul Girl, Medusa, Demental , and  all rounded out the side-show. 


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Yes, my preconceived idea of this yard haunt was totally wrong.  As I was taking pictures, I heard squeals from those that were inside and I watched as the line at the entrance fill with people of every age and description, I was transported back to my childhood.  To the place that loves mystery and the unknown.  Wondering what is waiting around the next darkened corner ready to throw a playful scare into you.  

If you missed 2012, make a point to mark you calendar for 2013.  You wont be disappointed.  You may even decide to become a part of Cemeterror.   

Thank you Don and to the cast and crew of volunteers.  You were a pleasure to meet and a pleasure to photograph.

Your Guides…

  • Mort U Ary… Mark  
  • Morgue N… Toby
  • Wood E Coffin… Victor

The Cast:

  • Zelda… Dragonfly                                                                
  • Chucky… Devon                                                                    
  • M Balma… Richard
  • Sharon Needles… Mary                                                       
  • Nocturnibus… Terry                                                          
  • Rig a Mortis… Ralph
  • Jenna Side… Mya                                                                  
  • Bloodonna… Avril                                                                
  • Die Anne… Trista                                                                  
  • Hellda… Avery                                                                      
  • Gore Jess… Marc                                                                   
  • Seymore Dead Peoples… Steve
  • Killery… Carol                                                                       
  • Graven… Dom                                                                        
  • Scarecrow… Rob
  • Ima Dead One… Vanessa                                                    
  • Fool of Fortune… Gary                                                         
  • Dolly Dearest… Hillary
  • Elsa… Robin                                                                             
  • Sinister Sister… Susan                                                        
  • Bea Dead… Courtney
  • Morticia… Carolyn                                                               
  • Medusa… Amelia                                                                  
  • Demental… Olivia
  • Ghoul Ghoul Girl… Meaghan                                             
  • Lady Gruesome… Kayla

Read more on Cemeterror…

“Cemeterror mixes Halloween scares and community service”

Memorial Day

I was a kid growing up in small town NY and Memorial Day marked not only the beginning of the long-awaited summer, it was also a tradition to take that first official dive into Keuka Lake.  As young and tough as I was… I wouldn’t actually categorize it as a swim.  I’d get a good head of steam going down the dock and then  sheer will would carry me off the end to take the plunge.  Lake Keuka is about 62 this time of year (the Gulf is already in the 80′s).

In my childhood, this was my idea of bravery.

So many years have passed and my idea of bravery has evolved.

As I write, I find myself thinking of my grandfather.  I wish I had taken the time to get to know you more when I was a kid.  I wish I had the wisdom back then to know you weren’t just an old poop that didn’t like Hawkeye.  You were there and you brought home some pretty heavy baggage.  I’m sorry.

So here’s to you Boompa and to all that have served and are serving now.  Thank you.

Rolling Thunder, Inc


A Sarasota New Year

Little did we know…

 2010 would be Pineapples last hurrah.

2012 will arrive, even without Pineapple.

 But isn’t it a little like setting cookies out for Santa but leaving him with no milk?

The reason behind canceling the street party?  Business owners, downtown associations, and the city all have an agenda.  Always confusing and never really clear on what the agenda of the moment may be, but this year it doesn’t include closing down streets or dropping a pineapple.  

Mayor Atwells comment about the event being so crowded last year makes me wonder if “THEY” really want to draw people downtown!  “It was impossible”  Atwell said.  It was SO CRAZY!   Sarasota Jacks is taking up all the law enforcement anyway.  

The pineapple drop is a tradition.  I find it sad that some traditions are worth fighting for (baseball) and some are easily put aside.     

So, “Pineapple” is left out of this years celebration. 



Not one to be shunned and replaced with a few measly fireworks, “Pineapple” has Occupied a spot on our Bayfront.  It would seem the sculpture formerly known as “Mercury, Mars, Venue”  is now “Mercury, Mars, Pineapple”.   

There have been other theory’s concerning Pineapples whereabouts but it all comes down to this.  Don’t mess with “Pineapple”.