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Occupy Sarasota

America was full of angry people in September 2011, when a few hundred citizens decided to make their anger count. V.F.’s oral history of Occupy Wall Street shows how the spark was lit in Zuccotti Park as a disparate, passionate mix of activists, celebrities, and accidental protesters changed the national conversation.

Revolution Number 99


The Occupy Movement hit Sarasota a month later when a cross-section of the community gathered in front of Bank of America on Main Street.

What NY accomplished in a week took Sarasota a little longer but we finally have our first poster child.  No mace necessary. Pictured above is protester Chris Young a few weeks before he was hauled off for chalking the sidewalk in 5 Points Park.

Nobody naw give you no break

Police naw give you no break

Soldier naw give you no break

Not even your idren naw give you no break

Bad boys, bad boys

Whatcha gonna do whatcha gonna do

When they come for you…  

 If your Chris, the  ACLU steps in to investigate the charges and get’s them dropped.

Whatever your view is on the Occupy movement or the now infamous Sarasota arrest I would like us all to agree that my image of Chris is MUCH nicer than the mug shot the media is putting out there.

To be part of Occupy Sarasota you can visit their Facebook page.