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Posts tagged “V is for vendetta

Unconditional Surrender?

Remember this…‘Unconditional Surrender has been a part of Sarasota’s bay frornt.  It has brought smiles to millions who have stopped to pose beneath the gigantic couple.

 Now our bay front has become a crime scene

“V” is for Vendetta

When I heard the news, images of the individuals that have the want and determination to carry out such an attack filled my mind.  Knowing there are those with such contempt for the statue, they would love to see it disappear permanently… at any cost.  Could this be a rogue attack by those who subscribe to the “Against her will” theory?  We’ll probably never know.

On that day in question, Kathleen Callender barrels a Mercedes over the median, crossing two lanes of south bound traffic and embeds it right into the sailors leg.  I repeat… the sailors leg.  Nothing less than a Mercedes would do to carry out the plan (when Dustin Schuler installed ‘Dance’ back in 2007 for the Season of Sculpture, he didn’t even use Mercedes).

Yes, the older I get and the more I see, I am beginning to believe in conspiracy theories.  So, to those who think ‘Surrender’ is an attack on women and you who think the statue is an inappropriate representation of art, grab the kiddies and head down to the bay front to view…

Splendor in the grass

Bring the blanket please!